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papillary thyroid carcinoma
     Posting #:33
     Name:yoshiko aloisio

I was diagnosed this desease in May 98'. I had total thyroidectomy at the same year. The cancer had started to spread into my lung, and I had an cardiosoracic surgery in March, 2002. I was also told that I needed to have another surgery because I have some tumors right side of my throat. I can feel this lump when I touch my throat. Well, I refused to have an another operation instead I wanted to try an alternative medicine. I started taking agaricus at the beginning of May. I feel much better and maintain my normal weight. I still feel the lump in my throat, but I postponed my next surgery.
If anyone wants to share his or her information regarding this, please let me know.

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33.->papillary thyroid carcinoma"Message on display"<-:May28/2002,22:21
35. Re:papillary thyroid carcinoma
( No.33.)
Admin:Web:AgaricusPower - Alternative Medicine for your Immune System:Jun03/2002,17:42
Posting #33:yoshiko aloisio said
>I started taking agaricus at the beginning of May. I feel much better and maintain my normal weight. I still feel the lump in my throat, but I postponed my next surgery.
>If anyone wants to share his or her information regarding this, please let me know.

Dear Yoshiko,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
We are sure your story will encourage many other people.
We hope you the best, and look forward hearing your update.

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